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Salman Bangash


The House of Wills is a former funeral home located in Cleveland, Ohio. It has a reputation as one of the most haunted places in Ohio, and is a popular spot for urban explorers and ghost hunters.

History of the House of Wills

The House of Wills was originally founded in 1900 by Frank E. Wills, who started the business as a carriage livery. In 1902, he purchased a building on East 55th Street in Cleveland and turned it into a funeral home. The business expanded over the years, and by the 1920s, it was one of the largest funeral homes in Ohio.

The House of Wills was known for its lavish funerals, which often included horse-drawn carriages and elaborate processions. The funeral home served a diverse clientele, including African American and Jewish families at a time when segregation was still common.

In the 1980s, the House of Wills was sold to a new owner who had trouble keeping the business afloat. The building was eventually abandoned in the 1990s and has been vacant ever since.

Haunted History of the House of Wills

There have been many reports of paranormal activity at the House of Wills over the years. Visitors have reported hearing strange noises and seeing apparitions, including the ghost of a little girl who is said to play in the hallways.

One of the most famous ghost stories associated with the House of Wills involves the ghost of a man who committed suicide in the funeral home. According to legend, the man was distraught over the death of his wife and took his own life in one of the upstairs rooms. Visitors to the building have reported feeling a sense of unease in the room where the suicide occurred, and some claim to have seen the ghost of the man himself.

Another famous ghost story associated with the House of Wills involves the ghost of a former employee who is said to still roam the building. The employee, who was a funeral director, reportedly died in the building and has been seen by visitors wearing his old suit and tie.

In addition to these stories, there have been many reports of unexplained noises and apparitions throughout the building. Many people who have visited the House of Wills claim to have felt a sense of unease, as if they were being watched by something unseen.

Current State of the House of Wills

The House of Wills has been abandoned since the 1990s and has fallen into disrepair. The building is in a state of decay and is unsafe to enter without proper precautions. However, this has not stopped urban explorers and ghost hunters from visiting the building.

The City of Cleveland has expressed interest in renovating the building, but so far no concrete plans have been made. The House of Wills remains a popular spot for those interested in the paranormal, and its haunted history continues to draw visitors from all over Ohio and beyond.

In conclusion, the House of Wills is a fascinating piece of Cleveland's history with a reputation as one of the most haunted places in Ohio. While the stories of its ghosts may be nothing more than urban legends, the building's eerie atmosphere and abandoned state make it an intriguing destination for those interested in the paranormal. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, the House of Wills is sure to leave an impression on anyone who visits.

